Kalinzu Forest

Kalinzu Forest

Kalinzu Forest

Kalinzu Forest Reserve is a fascinating safari destination in its own right. The picturesque guided walks along the hills will make you relax. Walking through the valleys in the natural environment will open your eyes to a whole new world of forest life. During your stroll in the forest you will witness mountain Rwenzori, Lake George and Kazinga channel’s beauty on a Uganda safari.

Kalinzu forest reserve has an abundance of incredible animal species; it has over 414 tree species with uses that will add on your knowledge about African culture. The forest is home to 379 bird species that will take your birdwatching safari experience to a whole new level, as well as 6 different species of primates, 97 moths, reptiles, flowers that will make you smile, and 262 species of butterflies that will make you smile as they fly beneath the dense canopies of trees in a variety of colours.

The most popular safari activity in Kalinzu Forest Reserve is chimpanzee trekking safari, which is enjoyed by most tourists, the forest is the second safari destination that offers awesome chimpanzee trekking after Kibale National Park. About 40 of the 300 chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest Reserve were acclimated two years ago by a group of Japanese researchers. This increases the likelihood that you may observe chimpanzees in Kalinzu Forest Reserve. In addition, chimpanzee trekking permits in Kalinzu Forest Reserve are less expensive than in other parts of Uganda, making it the ideal low-cost alternative to chimpanzee trekking in places like Budongo, Kibale, and Ngamba, among others.

Kalinzu Forest

Apart from the chimpanzees, Kalinzu Forest Reserve has additional primates that will bring a spectacle to your nature walks thought the forest. Numerous baboons, monkeys, blue monkeys, black and white monkeys, hoest, red-tailed colobus monkeys, and black-billed turacos may be found at the Kalinzu Forest Reserve.

When in Kalinzu Forest reserve, you will also get the opportunity to visit the fortune teller of Kalinzu hills. This old man will give you plenty of information about the historically uses of Kalinzu Forest reserve to the community around it. Your experience will be enhanced and elevated to a whole new level by the nighttime in the Kalinzu Forest Reserve. You will really like tracking the night primates that live in forest/ nocturnal primates. You will follow the night primates like bush babies, and the Pottos among others.

That is not all about the night; the sound of the forest will make your existence back in whatever way you want it to be; the sound of the crickets combined with the sound made by the leaves when winds blow through the jungle in Kalinzu will make a pattern at night, what can’t Mother Nature do?

Kalinzu forest camping site is situated in the deeply of the forest to make you relish the entirety of the natural package. The purpose of the forest camp location is to remove you from populated areas and provide you with an exceptional opportunity to experience nature in its purest form. The camp is situated in the shaded glades at the centre of the forest reserve, providing you with an entirely natural safari experience.

Other accommodation facilities near Kalinzu forest are not so plenty; homeland hotel is closer; 10km from Ishaka. Nevertheless, you are welcome to spend the night at any lodge in Queen Elizabeth before moving to Kalinzu for your forest activities; Some of the lodges include; Mweya safari lodge, Mweya hostels, Jacana lodge, Katara lodge and among others.

Katunguru has accommodation facilities like; engiri game lodge and campsite, Park View Safari Lodge and among others.

The following are the guidelines you should be aware of before participating in any activity in Kalinzu Forest:

Only a maximum of 6 people are permitted to move into the forest for a round hike.

Don’t forget to keep your voices low.

Remember constantly to stay on the tourist trail.

You should not stay at a particular place, unless you might get company.

And finally, do not leave the garbage behind and do not feed the animal, this is all for nature sustainability.

Kalinzu Forest

How to get to Kalinzu forest.Queen Elizabeth national park

Kalinzu forest is situated along the main highway from Kasese to Mbarara. It is situated approximately 10km in Bushenyi district west of Ishasha with in . The location of the visitors’ receiving centre is ideal for both those departing from and arriving at Queen Elizabeth National Park.

You can get to kalinzu forest by bus from Kampala bus terminal, it is a 5hrs drive. Visitors get off the bus at Butare and it’s just a short drive to Kalinzu forest reserve. It is also quite fascinating to walk to the visitor’s reception as you listen to the creaking of the trees in the forest and the relaxing tweets from the forest birds.

A lasting wild  safari experience should include the nature walks in the wild west of Uganda, that is, queen Elizabeth national park especially kalinzu forest. You will be able to stretch your legs after a long day of sitting in tour vehicles during the wildlife drive thanks to the tourism activities in Kalinzu Forest. You wouldn’t want to miss this amazing introduction to the new untamed world of nature within Kalinzu Forest Reserve; the little things matter a lot to individuals who are detail-oriented.

There are four distinct nature walk pathways in Kalinzu Forest. They are as follows:

The valley trail.

This walk takes around 4 hours to complete and offers breathtaking views of the green forest canopy and the right valley’s steep slopes. Along the journey, you may come across a variety of species.

The waterfall trail.

The massive Waterfall Trail offers breathtaking views of the Kalinzu Forest and is around 4-6 hours long. It leads to the remarkable waterfall known as “Kilyantama” and winds through rugged and damp terrain with breathtaking views of the chimpanzee forest.

The river trail.

The river trail include about 2 and half kilometers and takes about an hour. Along this walk, visitors may frequently spot chimpanzees and other monkeys. The River Kajojo, sometimes called Elephant River since it’s where elephants are known to bathe, is another sight for tourists.

The palm trail.

This trail takes about one and half to up to two hours.  tourists can come along the intriguing tree species on this trail and crosses flat terrains among the trees species can be observed the rare flame tree with its distinctive red large tulip flame like leaves which the locals suspect arouses sexual desires in women and variety of palm trees among the rest.

Along all of the aforementioned pathways, visitors may observe a variety of fauna, including butterflies, and bird species in addition to taking in the Kalinzu Forest’s canopy. They can also bring a picnic lunchbox and enjoy their meal in the forest’s picnic spots.

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