Domestic Flights To Murchison Falls National Park

Domestic flights to Murchison falls national park

Domestic flights to Murchison falls national park.

Domestic flights to Murchison falls national park : Murchison Falls National Park is the biggest national park in Uganda. It is in Kiryandongo, Bulisa, Nwoyaa, and Masindi districts in the northwestern part of the country. The park has a total land area of 3,893 square kilometres and is home to over 76 mammal species, including buffaloes, lions, leopards, and elephants. Other animals include giraffes, Uganda kobs, Jackson’s hartebeest, oribi, waterbucks, bushbucks, warthogs, and primates like chimpanzees, blue monkeys, red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, olive and various beautiful bird species.

Domestic flights to Murchison falls national park.

 One of Uganda’s national parks that can be reached by air is the Murchison Falls National Park. The national park has three airstrips: Pakuba airstrip, which is in the northern part of the park and recommended for tourists staying in the northern part of the park, Bugungu airstrip, which is in the southern part of the park and recommended for tourists staying in the southern part of the park, and Chobe airstrip, which is recommended for luxury tourists staying in Chobe safari lodge.

There are a number of companies that give domestic flights and charter flights to Murchison Falls National Park. Bar Aviation, Aero link Uganda Limited, and others are some of these companies. Scheduled flights to Murchison Falls National Park leave Entebbe international airport or Kajjansi airfield at 12:05pm and arrive at Pakuba, Bugungu, or Chobe airstrips at 13:05pm. Flights from Pakuba, Bugungu, or Chobe airstrips leave at 13:20pm and arrive at Entebbe international airport or Kajjansi airfield at 16:30pm. When you get to Murchison Falls National Park, our driver-guide will be there ready to drive you to your lodge. Air transport is the best way to get to Murchison Falls National Park because it’s easy, quick, and less tiring for people who don’t like long trips. A trusted trip company like us can help you book domestic flights to the Murchison Falls National Park.

Tourists can get to other national parks from Murchison Falls National Park, such as Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and Semuliki National Park. Flights to these locations leave from the airstrips in Pakuba, Bugungu, or Chobe at 13:20 and get there at 14:25.

Tourists can do a lot of fun safari activities once they get to Murchison Falls National Park, such as take a hot air balloon safaris to see the park, go sport fishing, go on a cultural tour, or try their hand at fishing.

Game drives/ game viewing.

 Game drive safaris in Murchison Falls National Park can be done with a trained driver guide either early in the morning or in the evening. During game drives, which are mostly done in the northern sector, you can see animals like buffaloes, elephants, waterbucks, bushbucks, warthogs, giraffes, Uganda kobs, Jackson’s hartebeest, oribi, as well as predators like lions and leopards and different types of birds.

flights to murchison falls

Boat cruise to the bottom of the falls.

 You can take a boat ride safari to the bottom of the falls in the morning or in the afternoon. The morning cruise starts at 9:00 am, and the afternoon cruise starts at 2:00 pm. Each boat safari lasts about 2 to 3 hours, and you can see hippos and Nile crocodiles in the water, buffaloes, warthogs, elephants, giraffes, and other animal’s drinking water along the shores, and different kinds of aquatic birds, among other things.

The Nile delta boat safari at Murchison Falls National Park starts at 7 a.m. and takes about 4 to 5 hours. During the boat ride through the Nile delta, you will be able to see beautiful scenery, animals along the shore, and many different kinds of birds, among other things.

Chimpanzee trekking safari.

Chimpanzee trekking is a fun safari to do in Murchison Falls National Park. Tourists can walk through the tropical jungle in search of tame chimpanzees and then spend an hour with them once they are found. In Murchison Falls National Park, chimpanzee trekking takes place in Budongo forest. It starts early in the morning with a briefing on the rules to follow while walking. After the briefing, you will start hiking through the forest. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours, based on where the chimpanzees are because they move around looking for food. During Chimpanzee trekking safari, you will be able to see other primate species, different bird species, plant and tree species, and more. Once the chimpanzees are found, you will be able to spend one hour with them in their natural habitat, which gives you a chance to learn about their habits, watch them go about their daily lives, take photos and videos, and more.

chimp trekking  in murchison falls

Bird watching.

Over 451 bird species have been seen in Murchison Falls National Park, including water birds, forest birds, and migratory birds. This makes it one of the best places to go birding safari. During bird watching in Murchison falls national park, you will be accompanied by an experienced bird guide who will help you to sport different bird species such as African jacana, Denham’s bustard, Giant kingfisher, Silverbird, black headed lapwing, Abyssinian ground hornbill, shoebill stork, Senegal thick-knee, black billed barbet, Denham’s bustard, malachite kingfisher, Eastern grey plantain-eater, goliath heron, Piapiac, palm nut vulture, white browed sparrow weaver, silver bird, squacco heron, eastern grey plantain-eater among others.

birds of murchison falls park

Nature walk/ hiking.

A nature walk is a fun safari activity where tourists can walk around a park with an expert park guide and park ranger to keep them safe from any danger. During the guided nature walk, which is done in Rabongo forest, Kaniyo Pabidi forest, and Albert delta area, you will get up close and personal with different wildlife species, see different primate species, birds, colorful butterflies, and listen to the sweet sounds of bird species singing in trees, among other things.

Where to stay in Murchison falls national park.

 Murchison falls National Park has an extensive selection of accommodation facilities where you can stay upon arrival at Pakuba, Chobe or Bugungu airstrips. The accommodations range from luxury, midrange and budget including Chobe Safari Lodge, Paraa Safari Lodge, Nile Safari Lodge, Pakuba Safari Lodge, Fort Murchison Safari Lodge, Amuka Safari Lodge, Murchison River Lodge, Heritage Safari Lodge, Twiga Lodge, Bwana Tembo Safari Camp, Kabalega Wilderness Lodge, Parkside Safari Lodge, Masindi Hotel, New Court View Hotel, Budongo Eco Lodge, Red Chilli Rest Camp, Bar Lyec Safari Lodge, Global Village Guest House, Yebo Safari Camp, Kalalo Cottage Hotel among others.

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