How To Get To Murchison Falls National Park

How to get to Murchison falls national park

How to get to Murchison Falls national park

How to get to Murchison falls national park : Murchison Falls National Park is located in Northwestern Uganda about 311 kilometers about 5 hours of drive from Kampala, the park is situated in the districts of Bulisa, Kiryandongo and Nwoya.

Murchison Falls National Park is very accessible and travelers can get there by either road or air means of transport.

Murchison Falls National Park is accessed using several gates that reach the Nile at Para in the heart of Murchision Falls Conservation Area, these gates are categorized as Southern Entrance Gates and Northern Entrance Gates.

By Road

Road transport is the commonly used mode of transport used to get to Murchison Falls National Park and is ideal for visitors who wish to experience various spectacular views along the way giving them the Authentic African Safari.

From Kampala the capital of Uganda, it is a distance of about 305 kilometers and a drive pf 2 hours on a tarmac road and 2 and half hours on a murram road before reaching Murchison Falls National Park.

Visitors planning to use the Kichwambanyobo gate that is via Masindi town, you have to do use a ferry to cross, The Paraa Ferry Crossing Area is at a distance of about 85 kilometers from Masindi town. The ferry has a fixed operating hours that is from 07:00 am to 19:00 pm between the Southern and Northern bank of River Nile.

There are a number of routes

Southern Entrance Gates

There are two southern entrance gates which are approaches to Paraa and lead out of Masindi town, it is a drive of 4 hours from Kampala. Along the way to Masindi town, you can visit Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary the only home to wild rhinos in Uganda and you can track them on foot.

The main route from Masindi enters Murchison Falls National park through Kichumbanyobo Gate to pass through Kaniyo Pabidi Forest to Paraa.

Another route though its longer but scenic runs from Masindi to Bugungu gate, this routes passes through Budongo forest and fascinating descent through the rift valley escarpment with magnificent views across Lake Albert towards the mountains of Congo.

Kichumbayobo Gate – located in the Southern sector heading to Kaniyo Pabidi forest and can be accessed from Masindi Town

Bugungu Gate – accessed through Budongo forest in the Southern sector 135 kilometers from Masindi Town.

Northern Entrance Gates

Northern Entrance Gates of Murchison Falls National Park include Chobe, Wankwar, Mubako and Tangi gates situated north of the Nile. These gates reached from the Kampala – Pakwach Road which crosses the Nile at Karuma Falls Bridge in the north – eastern corner of the park approximately 260 kilometers from Kampala.

These gates are convenient for visitors of the park traveling to/from Gulu town and Kidepo Valley National Park.

  • Tangi Gate – located in the northern sector 110 kilometers west of Karuma Bridge, the gate can be accessed by visitors in Paraa.
  • Chobe Gate – located in the northern sector of the park near Pakwach, 2 kilometers north of Karuma Bridge. This gate is accessed from Paraa and Karuma falls
  • Wankar Gate – located near Purongo 10 kilometers off the main road on Arua – Gulu highway in the northern sector
  • Mubako Gate – located in the northern sector of the park and is accessed by crossing the Nile River from Karuma Falls Bridge along Kampala – Pakwach road.

Note: The more direct route to Murchison Falls National Park is from Kampala through the southern gates.

 By Air

Flying to Murchison Falls National Park is the most convenient way to get to the park for a safari, there are chartered and scheduled flights from Entebbe International Airport and Kajjansi airstrip to several airstrips serving the park such as Pakuba airfield, Bugungu airfield and Chobe Airfield.

  • Pakuba Airstrip – located in the northern sector of Murchison Falls National Park
  • Chobe Airstrip – located around Chobe Safari luxurious lodge
  • Bugungu Airstrip – located in the southern sector of Murchison Falls National Park

Domestic and chartered flights are offered by several flight companies such as Aero Link Uganda, Eagle airlines and Bar Aviation.

From the airstrips you connect to your lodge by a vehicle.

Distances in Murchison Falls National Park

 Rabongo 67  kilometers
Nyamusika 14  kilometers
Top of falls (by road) 34  kilometers
Top of falls (by water) 17  kilometers
Kichumbanyobo gate 69  kilometers
Bugungu gate 15  kilometers
Tangi gate 25  kilometers
Bottom of falls 14  kilometers
The Delta 28  kilometers
Bottom of falls to Albert Delta 55 kilometers
Red chilli rest camp 0.6 kilometers
Paraa safari lodge 02 kilometers
Sambiya river lodge 25 kilometers
Nile safari camp 22 kilometers
From Paraa to Masindi via
Kichumbanyobo gate 86 kilometers
Bugungu gate 136 kilometers
From Paraa to Kampala via
Bugungu gate 353 kilometers
Kichumbanyobo gate 304 kilometers

Getting to Murchison National Park FAQs

How long will it take to drive to Murchison falls from Kampala?

From Kampala to Murchison Falls National Park, it is approximately 4-6 hours drive to the park’s headquarters at Paraa.

What gate should I use if driving from Kampala?

If you are driving from Kampala, the best gates to use are the Southern Gates that is Kichumbanyabo and Masindi South Gate. However going via the Northern Gates you will have a more scenic route.

Can I fly to Murchison Falls?

Yes, you can fly from the Kajjansi Airfield near Kampala or from Entebbe International Airport.

How often are the flights to Murchison National Park

There are daily flights from Entebbe International Airport and Kajjansi Airfield to Pakuba, Chobe and Bungugu airstrips serving the park.

How long is the flight?

Flights from Kajjansi Airstrip and Entebbe International Airport usually take one hour

I’m travelling to the Kidepo Valley next, Can I fly there directly?

Yes, you can take an internal flight from Pakuba to Kidepo Valley National Park. Also, you can fly to Kasese/Mweya in Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kihihi in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park from Murchison Falls National Park.

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