Is Gorilla Trekking Worth The Money?

 Is gorilla trekking worth the money?

 Is gorilla trekking worth the money?

 Is gorilla trekking worth the money? : Gorilla trekking is the most exciting wildlife experience on the planet offering visitors a life changing opportunity to visit and see mountain gorillas which are listed as endangered species.

In the whole world, mountain gorilla trekking is done in 4 gorilla parks that are Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda, Virunga national park in Democratic Republic of Congo and Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. There is approximately 1,000 mountain gorilla individuals remaining in the world that is why the gorillas are listed as endangered mountain gorillas.

When planning to go gorilla trekking, come prepare to work for it as the trek can last up to 6 hours before you see them but the whole experience with worth every dime spent on it.

Here are the reasons to why gorilla trekking is worth the money

Intimate and up-close encounter with the gorillas

Gorilla trekking is an amazing experience on which you get up close and personal with these gentle giants in their natural habitat, not everyone get a chance to see the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat and enjoy their amazing behavior which is similar to human behavior.

Mountain gorillas are very fascinating primates and like humans, they live in families led by a dominant male who directs everything that happens in the group. A duration of one hour you spend in presence of mountain gorillas will give you the greatest wildlife experience and remains one of the life changing experience.

The experience is exhilarating

 Most of the animals on the primate fall into one of the two categories that are those that run away from humans and those that will attack humans that are unfortunate enough to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Gorillas on the other hand are fairly calm creatures by nature and will only attack humans if they truly feel threatened. Basing on the body – language and distance guidelines explained to you by the park’s guides during briefing session. Then you will be able to enjoy the rare experience of watching a powerful, wild animal from a close distance in complete safety.

You are directly supporting Conservation efforts

The biggest threat to the endangered mountain gorillas is habitat destruction carried out by humans as the densely populated areas on the national park have expanded and people have sought to make money from logging and agriculture.

However, the money generated from gorilla trekking that is buying purchasing gorilla permits is the primary source of funds for their continued conservation

The scenery is spectacular

Gorilla trekking involves several hours of tough hiking through a rugged terrain that is mountainous with thin air and dense vegetation. However, with a level of fitness, the challenging hiking are part of what makes gorilla trekking a rewarding adventure.

What is makes gorilla trekking more worth is not seeing the gorillas but also for the fabulous scenery. There are various viewpoints where you can enjoy fabulous visitas of the thickly-forested, rolling mountains, often shrouded in clouds that make them appear all more beautiful and immaculate.

When is the best time for a gorilla trekking safari?

Although gorilla trekking is a year – round activity, the best time to go for a gorilla trip is from June to August and December to February. In this times of the year, the forest trails are drier and therefore less slippery which makes the trekking much easier. Also for photographers, this is the best time to take pictures and videos.

What to pack for a gorilla trekking safari?

Below is the must have items for a gorilla trekking safari

  • Pack a decent waterproof jacket
  • – Long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and long socks
  • – A pair of outdoor gloves
  • – Trekking boots, must be comfortable
  • – Pack a tin of Insect repellent
  • – Snacks
  • – Biodegradable tissue or toilet paper
  • – Waterproof backpack and extra batteries
  • – Trekking poles or hiking staff

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